Wednesday, June 23, 2010

India - Part One

Dr.Octalus and I arrived safely in India, and the death machine did not live up to its name.
Internet is scarce here and the power goes out quite often, so I must make it quick.
Our secret lair (located deep in the heart of Bengaluru)is comfortable. Here we see Octalus settling into our new room.
Things have been well. My brother had his coming of age ceremony, and I got to participate.
The last few days have been spent lounging about our lair, writing and reading and watching too many movies. Grammy Octalus is getting a bit o' knee surgery and Mama Octalus has been busy with such matters.
In any case, things will surely be more exciting and in depth in eight days, when I leave for Europe. But before it begins to rain again, I should run home.
I hope you're all well! And I encourage you to check out the link above for more photos of the adventures of Sunaina and Dr.Octalus! (Coming soon!)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Swift Departure

Today Dr.Octalus and I begin our journey, half-way 'round the world.
At 3:30 we will walk into a metal flying Death Machine and soar across the sky to our destination! (The Death Machine may only be deadly to things under pressure -perhaps '80s hip-hop sensations- and clarinets.)
Our many adventures will surely be documented (with some irregularity).
Our spectaculars heists and adventures are sure to be at the height of excitement.

But the Death Machine! =D

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hello Friends!

I am off on an exciting new adventure!
Who am I, you ask?
I am Sunaina, trusty and loyal sidekick to the devious delicous AMAZING Dr.Octalus!

Dr.Octalus is a very important Octopus (Genus: Orangis Spekulzis). He conducts many important and mysterious experiments in his many secret lairs. is vacation time for devious AMAZING doctors.
I have just become a Bachelor of the Arts, and Dr.Octalus has been kind enough to take me with him to go see the world.

First stop? India - Bengaluru (Or Banglore if you haven't caught on the vast majority of people.)

Second stop? A (ridiculous) 14 day trip of Europe.

But may get to hear me ramble about my last couple days in the States. =)

Stay tuned and stay classy(-ish)!