Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hello Friends!

I am off on an exciting new adventure!
Who am I, you ask?
I am Sunaina, trusty and loyal sidekick to the devious delicous AMAZING Dr.Octalus!

Dr.Octalus is a very important Octopus (Genus: Orangis Spekulzis). He conducts many important and mysterious experiments in his many secret lairs. is vacation time for devious AMAZING doctors.
I have just become a Bachelor of the Arts, and Dr.Octalus has been kind enough to take me with him to go see the world.

First stop? India - Bengaluru (Or Banglore if you haven't caught on the vast majority of people.)

Second stop? A (ridiculous) 14 day trip of Europe.

But may get to hear me ramble about my last couple days in the States. =)

Stay tuned and stay classy(-ish)!

1 comment:

  1. I. AM. SO. PUMPED.

    your blog is going to be awesome.
